The Roatan Aggressor is a liveaboard diving yacht that takes its responsibility to the environment seriously. The staff has made a significant effort to reduce its environmental impact, and they recycle just about everything they can. The vessel operates in the southern Caribbean around the Bay Islands of Honduras and occasionally others.
The staff is aware of the delicate ecosystem that surrounds them. The recycling effort is just one aspect of the commitment to the environment, and it’s a commendable one.

The recycling program on the Roatan Aggressor starts with the most common items found on board any yacht, such as aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, cardboard and plastic bottles. These items are collected and stored on the yacht until they can be properly disposed of on land. By recycling these items, the yacht reduces the amount of waste it generates, which is essential when operating in a pristine environment such as Roatan.

The staff of the Roatan Aggressor is also committed to recycling old camera/computer batteries and old engine room batteries. These items are hazardous to the environment, and the proper disposal of them is essential. By recycling these batteries, the yacht ensures that they are not disposed of improperly, which could have long-term consequences for the environment.
Another aspect of the recycling program on the Roatan Aggressor is the recycling of all engine and generator used oils. These oils can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. The staff ensures that all used oils are collected and stored on the yacht until they can be properly disposed of on land.
The staff of the Roatan Aggressor also recycles any used unwanted dive gear and gives it to the Marine parks for youth training programs. This gesture is not only environmentally friendly, but it also helps support local organizations and provides an opportunity for young people to learn about diving and the environment.
The staff also donates annually to the island animal rescue center to help take care of stray and unwanted animals on Roatan. This is a gesture that not only helps the environment but also supports the local community.
The yacht also avoids plastic bags and packaging wherever possible. 99% of fruits, veggies, meats, and seafood come to the boat in reusable or non-plastic containers. This reduces the amount of plastic waste generated.
The staff of the Roatan Aggressor also encourages guests and staff to pick up any items on the dives, and they dispose of them via a trash collection bucket on the dive deck. This is a proactive approach to keeping the environment clean and reducing the amount of pollution in the water.

The yacht uses shore power and shore water at its dock to avoid running diesel engines at the dock. This is an environmentally friendly approach to operating the yacht and reduces the amount of pollution generated.
Finally, the yacht does not drop the ships anchor on any site or mooring location to avoid damage to the reef. This is an essential aspect of protecting the environment and ensuring that the reef remains intact for future generations.
In conclusion, the recycling effort on the Roatan Aggressor is impressive, and the staff is committed to reducing its environmental impact as much as possible. The yacht’s commitment to the environment is commendable, and it sets an example for other yachts operating in delicate ecosystems around the world.