Coconut Macaroons

By: Chef Cameron – Palau Aggressor II

5 ½ cups of coconut (sweetened)
2/3 cups of all purpose flour, or substitute corn starch or any gluten free flour (your choice)
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
2 tbl of pure vanilla extract

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
Place coconut in a large mixing bowl.  Add flour and mix well, next add the condensed milk and vanilla and mix completely.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  Take the coconut mixture in ¼ cup batches and roll into balls and place on pan.  A good idea is to wet your hands a little when rolling the cookies to keep them from sticking to your hands and they stay together better.  When you have rolled all of the cookies you can bake them just like that or you can flatten them out with a spatula dipped in water.  You can decide on the shape. Place cookies in center of the top rack.  Ovens vary in temp but you probably will bake them for about 12-15 minutes or until they are golden brown on top and nice and brown on the bottom.  Take from oven and let cool before placing them on serving tray.  These cookies are amazing just like the Chef that gave you this recipe.

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